Friday, June 11, 2010

Day One to a Body You Love

So, yesterday I posted, "twelve days to a body you love" would start today. I received some comments asking exactly how I was going to help you lose weight in twelve days, lose baby weight in twelve days, etc.

Well, let me be clear. This is not twelve quick and dirty tips to lose weight fast. I said, "Twelve days to a body you love." Big difference. There is no quick fix and fad diets don't work. Living a life in a body you love is a lifestyle change. Lifestyles last longer than fad diets because lifestyle changes are usually healthy habits that you introduce for the rest of your life. The next eleven days will include easy lifestyle changes you can make in order to live a life in a body you love.

Creating a body you love involves introducing some critical healthy habits. They may include physical, emotional, mental and spiritual habits. The first habit that I think is critical is appreciation for the body you currently have. Do you appreciate the body you currently have or do you beat it up consciously or unconsciously for what it's not or what it can't do?

When you look in the mirror do you think, "wow I look great today" or do you think "Ugh, I hate my thighs.", "How do I get rid of these jiggly arms?", "I wish my stomach was flatter." or "I'm so fat."

When you constantly beat your body up for everything it's not that's exactly what you'll get. Thoughts become things. In order to live a life in a body you love, you have to appreciate the body you have. Your heart beats and pumps blood throughout your body without you having to do anything. Your lungs exchange oxygen through all your cells without you having to do anything. Regardless of what you put into your body, it knows what to do with it and get all the stuff it doesn't need out. Isn't that INCREDIBLE?! I think so.

Ever wonder why women...and men who get plastic surgery for one thing, keep going back for more? Why are they never satisfied? Because they never learned to appreciate their bodies current beauty and strength. They see flaws as a bad thing rather than something that makes them unique.

Thank your body for the amazing, miraculous things that it does day in and day out. When you learn to appreciate what you currently have in any aspect of your life, only more of those things can come to you.

So, I challenge you to start becoming aware about the things you say to yourself about your body. I challenge you to give your body gratitude for all the wonderful things it can do, has done and what it currently looks like. Only then will you appreciate what it will be once you implement what I'm going to share with you over the next few days.

Love and light,

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